Teddy is a Shi Tzu cross puppy of 10 months handed to animalactiontrust because circumstances changed. Teddy would like to live with a friendly female dog. Teddy has in the past suffered separation anxiety. In Foster this has been well managed and he can be left for shopping trips etc.
This could well be helped by having another dog or two for company. So it must be a home where it is not empty and everyone is out during the day. Teddy is clean, he is a proper little gentleman. You will not be on first name terms with Teddy until you have been well scrutinised and he has had time to make his own mind up and take steps to introduce himself when he feels the time is right.
Teddy has been brought up with children and has loved them. That being said, it must also be said that, with one of the children he was known to snap at him, the 5 year old. Teddy does not truly hurt but makes his opinions known. That is his character. We feel that Teddy would enjoy the company of older children of say 10 years plus.